There are three big questions you must ask of yourself before going into any competitive arena or before taking on a tough life challenge.
1. Do you want to win enough?
2. Do you believe that you will win?
3. Will you keep going until you win?
Frank Dick
Welcome to our site!
We hope to inform you about our international races and activities on the track in Omnisport Apeldoorn
The AR & TV De Adelaar – Track – Piste organizes the following international activities every year

1. Jeugddriedaagse
Threedays trackcycling youth 10-16 years old
30 sept. 1-2 october
Learning, training, racing always in october in Omnisport Apeldoorn
If you have no trackbike, you get one for the days
Costs: 30 euro – No nights – no meals
All kinds of training will be given by experienced trainers and pacemakers
Unique possibility to make aquaintance with trackracing or to become more experienced
See also: Jeugddriedaagse Powerpoint
Baan Evenementen – De Adelaar
2. Future serie races
Seven races for riders from 10 and every other categories boys and girls from juniors M/F Elite M/V
Several races
See also: baankalender.
Baan Evenementen – De Adelaar
Pointrace-Temporace-Elimination-Scratchraces are in the program Endurance
Sprint-Keirin – 200 meter
But also: Snowballrace-Longest Lap-Cheetahcatch
Snowball-race=trainingsrace for pointrace
Longest Lap = training for surplace
Cheetahcatch-race= training for sprint
eXtropy-races are organized every year in oct.-nov-dec. On Saturday or Sunday
3. The Next Generation
3 days racing for National Junior Selections M/F

6-7-8 january 2023
All kinds of racing in three days
No countryranking – every race is an independent race – unique format – no limit of pre-inscription
The program is build after the pre-inscription
Nights at The Ruggestee in Hoenderloo (13 km)
Meals-nights-lunches – costs depends on number of participants
The Next Generationraces are held in january every year
Coach of Danmark: “It is as if it is a small world championship”
Baan Evenementen – De Adelaar
See the PowerPoint of The Next Generation:
The Next Generation Powerpoint
Baan Evenementen – De Adelaar

4. Track Series – Races on three tracks: Alkmaar-Amsterdam-Apeldoorn
Always on Saturdays and Sundays
Age minimal 15 years and older –M/F
All information available
This season not only the next generation is potentially interesting for your riders.
Also, I would like to make you aware of the ”Track Series”
This tournament takes place in Amsterdam, Alkmaar and Apeldoorn and is for boy/girls, juniors and elite (men/women).
Because of the races are in different weeks you can choose your own Seschedule.
It’s possible to race only one day.
For young riders it can be useful to race more disciplines. For elite (Sprint) it can be a great test for the World cup.
This year we would like to invite you to make it an international test/ training tournament.
Just to make the competition stronger and to test each rider on a higher and international level.
If you’re interested to participate please contact me.
I can subscribe your riders for races in Apeldoorn or will forward your mail to Amsterdam or Alkmaar if you want to ride that races.
If there are any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.
If you want to participate we send you a pre-inscriptionform
Especially for The Next Generation and Track Serie Races.
Baan Evenementen – De Adelaar